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Khoemacau Copper Project

Khoemacau Copper Mining (Pty) Ltd ("Khoemacau"), previously known as Hana Ghanzi Copper (Pty) Ltd, a subsidiary of Cupric Canyon Capital Plc ("Cupric") has been exploring and developing the Ghantsi-Chobe Copper Silver Project (Khoemacau Project"), located in the Kalahari copper belt within the Ghantsi and Ngamiland Districts.


Bulyanhulu Gold Project

Bulyanhulu Gold Mine is situated 55km south of Lake Victoria in the district of Kahama, in the Shinyanga Region of the United Republic of Tanzania. It is owned and operated by African Barrick Gold (ABG), a wholly owned subsidiary of Barrick Gold Corporation. Approximately 2,853 personnel were employed at the mine's site by December 2011.

Assmange Black Rock Project

Manganese ore is mined in the Black Rock area of the Northern Cape province and manganese alloys are produced at the Cato Ridge Works in KwaZulu-Natal. Cato Ridge Alloys, a joint venture with Japanese partners, produces refined ferromanganese at the Cato Ridge Works. Feed for the Cato Ridge Works is derived from...

Assmange Gloria Project

Gloria Mine commenced production in 1978. The strata-bound manganese body has a regular and gentle dip. The ore has a higher manganese-to-iron ratio than the Nchwaning ore and is an excellent metallurgical blending ore. The deposit at Gloria is well-suited to mechanised mining methods. The mine has a vertical and an inclined shaft. 

Practical Work & General Ideas

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Unlike an architectural rendering, which is a single image from a single point of view, Witness an architectural animation is a series of hundreds or even thousands of still images.


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